Hamsa Wallpapers for smartphones

      The Hamsa (the Khamsa, the Hand of Fatima, the Hand of Mary, the Hand of Miriam, and the Hand of the Goddess)  is a sign of protection that also represents blessings, power and strength, and is seen as potent in deflecting the evil eye.
Used to protect against evil eye, a malicious stare believed to be able to cause illness, death or just general unluckiness, hamsas often contain an eye symbol. Depictions of the hand, the eye or the number five in Arabic (and Berber) tradition are related to warding off the evil eye, as exemplified in the saying khamsa fi ainek ("five [fingers] in your eye"). Raising one's right hand with the palm showing and the fingers slightly apart is part of this curse meant "to blind the aggressor".

      The application contains collection of images of hamsa amulets.

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